Donate to us

Thank you for helping us to help people who are recovering from or living with cancer to take back control of their lives and play an active part in managing their health. To continue providing our programme of free activities, we need regular funding to ensure that people in need receive the vital help and support they deserve.
Every financial gesture no matter how small makes a massive difference to the lives of people living with or beyond a cancer diagnosis across Huntingdonshire.
So to all you who donate, fundraise, leave a legacy, sponsor or attend one of our events – we thank you.
Bank transfer and Gift Aid
There are lots of ways to give us money but one of the simplest is to transfer directly into our bank account where we will receive 100% of your donation.
Our bank details are:
Account Name: Hunts Community Cancer Network
Account Number: 67222465
Sort Code: 08-92-99 (The Co-operative Bank)
It would help us greatly if you could place your name as the reference for the payment and email us to let us know it’s on its way to: If you could include some further details about what you have done to raise the money, if it is in memory of anyone or generally what has inspired you to give us a donation, we would be really grateful!
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, and you complete a Gift Aid declaration form, this enables us to retrieve a percentage directly back from the government at no cost to yourself!
This is generally income tax but does also include capital gains tax of at least equal to the amount of the Gift Aid claim submitted by us. VAT, council tax and other taxes do not count!
Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you donate £20 we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25.
Please complete one of these forms (whichever is suitable for your donation) and email it to the address on the form.
Multiple Donation Gift Aid Form: 2021 Gift Aid – Multiple Donation
Single Donation Gift Aid Form: 2021 Gift Aid – Single Donation
Other ways to donate
You can also donate by simply clicking a button below, we use Paypal and you can also make payments from one of the shown Credit or Debit cards
You can also donate via our JustGiving site, or contact us directly to discuss other ways in which you can help.
Click to visit the HCCN JustGiving page
Volunteering your time
We are a volunteer led charity. It is only with the enthusiasm of our marvellous team of volunteers that we can deliver our services in your local community.
Could you be a volunteer?
For more information contact