HCCN Buddy Scheme – Online Group Sessions

May 22, 2024 | Latest News

HCCN Buddy scheme - Online Group Sessions

Introducing the first service of our new HCCN Buddy Scheme.  Our ONLINE GROUP SESSIONS will commence on Monday 3rd June, facilitated by accredited facilitator and therapist, Karyn Prentice, online between 5pm – 6pm every fortnight.  

The purpose of introducing online sessions is to meet the needs of people over 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with cancer but for whatever reason are not able to join our face-to-face support sessions.

Participants do not have to commit to participating in every session, but we will need to know ahead of time to ensure we set up a Zoom link to connect them.

Register you’re interest, please contact angela@hccnthecharity.org


Our ONLINE GROUP SESSIONS commence on Monday 3rd June 2024, facilitated by accredited facilitator and therapist, Karyn Prentice


Karyn will be online from 17.00 – 19.00 hours every fortnight.

Here are the dates for your diary:

Monday 3rd June

Monday 17th June

Monday 1st July

Monday 15th July

Monday 29th July

Monday 12th August


The purpose of introducing online sessions is to meet the needs of people over 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with cancer but for whatever reason are not able to join our face-to-face support sessions.

Taking Part:

Participants do not have to commit to participating in every session but we will need to know ahead of time to ensure we set up a Zoom link to connect them. Other people we serve can also “drop in” if they would like to e.g. they cannot attend their usual sessions due to treatment.

Any questions please email: Angela@hccnthecharity.org