
Getting inVOLved, what’s that all about?

We are a charity led solely by volunteers. The Hunts Community Cancer Network (HCCN) comprises of the NHS nursing team and HCCN the Charity: working together, and delivering a home-based nursing service. Our aim is to help people and their families who are recovering from or living with cancer across Huntingdonshire. We enable them to take back their lives and to play an active part in managing their health.


Whilst we know that HCCN’s support is vital for those living with a cancer diagnosis, there are many benefits for our volunteers too. By donating your time, you are helping us make an impact on the lives of others in your community. You’ll have fun, meet new friends and share your time and talents.


Below you’ll find lots of ways that you can get involved and make a real difference to someone’s life.


If you or someone you know has 1 hour a week to 1 day a week – or more – that they can donate to us as a gift of time, it would make the world of difference. If you can’t see what you are looking for, do drop us a line on the form below, it might just be that we hadn’t thought of it yet.

Our current volunteering opportunities


That’s fantastic you’re still with us.  Below you’ll find the types of volunteering roles we are currently recruiting for. For more information about the roles that we want to fill, click on the blue links below to find out the full details and the tasks that are involved. You can also find contact details of the person leading this aspect of our work.


HCCN Volunteer Administrator
Do you have a flair for admin and paperwork? Find out how you can join us ....

How about some of these, think you’ve got what it takes?

  1. Website Content & Design Volunteer Coming soon. We want someone to refocus our website. We have plenty of content and ideas but want someone to bring it to life and update our site. Could this be you?
  2. Communications & Social Media Volunteer Are you, someone, that enjoys communicating in a variety of mediums? Then this role is for you.  We are Huntingdonshire’s ‘hidden gem’ and we want to increase awareness and support for our charity.
  3. Finance Volunteer Coming soon. Do you have a head for finance? Are numbers and money your thing?
  4. Administration Volunteer Coming soon. We are looking for someone that is friendly, flexible and proactive to support and organise the trustees of the charity.



Fundraising with HCCN
Do you like having fun and money, find out how you can help us fundraise ...

Does any of these tickle your fancy?

  1. Fundraising Lead Are you, someone, that can lead and create innovative fund-raising activities to deliver a vital income stream for our small, local cancer charity? If so, then please let us know.
  2. 100 Club Organiser Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  3. Local Fundraisers Coming soon. We require fundraisers to help us make the most of our local fundraising opportunities
  4. Corporate Fundraiser Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.



Do you enjoy getting involved with events? Find out how you can join us ....

There is always something going on in Huntingdonshire, these are some ideas that you can help us with?

  1. Fundraiser Organisers Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  2. Awareness Stand Volunteer Coming soon. To meet & greet people at our stands at various places throughout Huntingdonshire. Handing out information about our nursing team, our services and the work we do as a charity.
  3. Conference Day Meet & Greet Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  4. Community Speaker To give talks to community groups throughout Huntingdonshire. Raising awareness of our work and the services we offer.


If you like meeting, greeting and having a chat. Find out how you can help us ....

There is always something going on in Huntingdonshire, these are some ideas that you can help us with?

  1. Community Voice Volunteers We require people to raise awareness of the charity by being the face and voice of HCCN in their local area.
  2. Staying In Touch Buddy Coming soon. We’re looking for buddies to stay in touch with people living with a cancer diagnosis. To help them feel supported, understood, involved and cared about. This is from home by phone, email or skype etc.
  3. Awareness Stand Volunteer Coming soon. To meet & greet people at our stands at various places throughout Huntingdonshire. Handing out information about our nursing team, our services and the work we do as a charity.
  4. Community Speaker To give talks to community groups throughout Huntingdonshire. Raising awareness of our work and the services we offer.
  5. Driver and Companion Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.



Professional Support
Are you a professional? If so, we want your skills, find out more ...

Does any of these tickle your fancy?

  1. Website Content & Design Volunteer Coming Soon. We want someone to refocus our website. We have plenty of content and ideas but want someone to bring it to life and update our site. Could this be you?
  2. Legal Expert Panel Members This is ideal for solicitors that would like to focus their specialism on helping us stay on the straight and narrow. 
  3. Videographer Coming soon. We are looking for someone to video and edit our conferences, events and services. To plan, film and edit video content.



Are you an complementary therapist or coach, find out how you can join us ....

Can you donate some time as a:

  1. Active Lifestyle Buddies We are looking for people living with a cancer diagnosis, that have an established healthy lifestyle specifically around exercise and want to share the benefits with others.
  2. Masseuse Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  3. Acupuncturist Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  4. Reiki Practitioner Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  5. Life Coach Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.
  6. Nutritionist Coming soon. If you are interested in this role let us know using the form below.

How you can help

There are plenty of ways you can donate your time and talent to support your local community. Opportunities include fundraising, event organisation, Website and Facebook management, administration work, holistic therapies, practical work and much more.

Not only will your time help us run events and generate income, you can be our voice in your local community, nowhere is too small. Currently 1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. Help us to spread the word about the help and support HCCN can offer to people you know.

Volunteering can change your life in many ways. Join our family, start your volunteering adventure today!

What’s in it for you?

Volunteering can help reduce stress, lift depression, is mentally stimulating and provides a sense of purpose. Volunteering doesn’t have to be a long-term commitment or take up a huge amount of your time. It can be in your community or from the comfort of your own home. Here’s just 5 of the many ways volunteering can benefit you, your friends and family.

1. Volunteering connects you to others and your community
2. Volunteering is great for your mind and body
3. Volunteering can advance your skills and career
4. Volunteering brings fun and fulfilment to your life
5. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to give back if you or someone you know has been affected by cancer and treated by the HCCN nursing team.

Can't find what you are looking for and want to help? Do get in touch.

9 + 2 =

Volunteer Information

To view/download our document, please click the link below:


Our Policies

Please select a link below to view or download the relevant policy or procedure: