Our activities – what we offer you

HCCN Activities

We provide a programme of free activities that support anyone over 18, living in Huntingdonshire, recovering from or living with a cancer diagnosis or is a carer of someone with a diagnosis.

If this describes you, we’d love it if you joined us!

To register your interest please click here
Alternatively email info@hccnthecharity.org or call Sally Smart on 01480 416410.

With all our complimentary therapies and activities, to keep you safe, you MUST ensure that you have checked with your medical team or GP before you take part.

We believe that the best way to help people get their lives back on track after cancer is to equip them with the skills they need in order to play a full part in managing their health now and into the future.

Sometimes that means helping people develop new habits, perhaps around exercise or diet but it also means supporting people whilst they manage their emotional responses to their illness and get back on track to rebuild their lives positively.

We have studied the research to understand the ways that help can be offered and we have used that research to put together a series of fun and useful activities.

We know that people sometimes have to spend time on their own during the day as loved ones work and that time spent alone can be unhelpful. Signing up for a course can fill a couple of hours with laughter, thought and a little challenge.

We have put together a programme of events and activities all of which you can choose to use. Click here for a list of our current activities.

Why not just come and find out?

HCCN Activities - education

Support Groups

Bradbury House Drop In Group

Women’s Cancer Group

Men’s Cancer Group

Buddy Scheme


HCCN Activities - get active

Get Active

 (Get Active Exercise Classes)

Prehabilitation to Rehabilitation

Mat based Yoga

Chair based Yoga

Yoga on Zoom

Tai Chi Qigong


Yoga Nidra

Balance and Strength


HCCN Activities - wellbeing






Keeping in Touch

Beauty Treatments

Patient to Person Workshop

Counselling (Nurse referral only)

Craft Group


HCCN Activities - nutrition


Living Well with Cancer Drop-In Sessions